vocational training
Castaway Kids' activities are centered around promoting education. We fund tuition, pay for school books and uniforms, and provide other forms of support for children in need. We provide vocational training for adults who struggle to make ends meet because of lack of education or training for good paying jobs. Often families in poverty cannot make education a priority because their focus is on meeting other basic needs. Castaway Kids, therefore, funds housing construction for those in need, provides safe places for families to relax and play, and when needed we help local organizations provide disaster relief.
Please click on the icons below to learn more about out work.
We match students with sponsors who will cover the basic costs of education.
Vocational training is an emerging program at CK. Our volunteers have taught sewing to single moms who now use those skills to earn an income. We are looking for opportunities to expand our program.
CK started its housing construction after hurricane Jimena in 2009, when many families in Guaymas lost their homes.
CK works with many partners to provide community centers and playgrounds around the greater Guaymas area.
CK assists other local organizations when disaster strikes by collecting and distributing needed supplies.
Pictures from Castaway Kids Work
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