IN MEMORY OF . . . .
This page contains a list of people and families who have donated to Castaway Kids “In Memory or in Honor of” a loved one.
A gift from the Levinsons in memory of Bill Wehmiller
A gift from the Eisenhours in memory of John Gorman
In memory of Jim Chandler from Geeja Flanders, "Nepenthe" no regrets, will continue cruising and live on in the Castaways Kids Community Center
A gift from friends and family in memory of John Gorman
In Memory of Judy Lanctot from her friends - Judy's Lunch Group
In Memory of Adele Mulligan
Rocky Mountain Steel Pan Band in memory of Cheryl Cruse
In Memory of David Boyd by his wife Melissa
In loving memory of David J Boyd who made a difference. A well-lived life. Happy Fathers Day!
Iris Fraser In Memory of her father, Glen Fraser, and in gratitude to Darwin and Betty Park and Robert and Bev Mettlewsky for all they did for Glen and their family.
Vicki Myerson in Memory of Steve Cammack
Chris Roth in Memory of Bruce Tilley
Catherine (“Crash”) McDonough in Memory of Bruce Tilley
Goat and Tammy Bauman in Memory of Bruce Tilley
John and Barb Young in Memory of Bruce Tilley
Sam and Elizabeth Rainwater in Memory of Bruce Tilley
Mike & Linda Crowley in Memory of Aunt Veronica Foley Mooney
Patrick Emmert and Susan Waters In Memory of John Gletne
William and Maggy Murray In Memory of John Gletne
Sierra Forest Products (Larry Duysen) In Memory of John Gletne
Thomas Klein In Memory of John Gletne
Gary & Tibby Levinson (Sponsorship of 3 students) In Memory of Bill Wehmiller
June & Jack Davis In Memory of Marilyn Straw
Pam Brame: In Memory of Dennis Medina
S & P Stuart: In Memory of Doug Marshall
David & Melissa Boyd: In Loving Memory of David’s mother Dorothy Lois Griffin
June & Jack Davis: In Memory of Bob Bogan
Amy Boyd Reed: In Honor of David Boyd’s Birthday (DAD)
Joey Roth, In Memory of Doug Marshall
Terry Curnow, In Memory of Doug Marshall
Cindi Delay, In Memory of Doug Marshall
Clifford Drescher, In Memory of Doug Marshall
David Morrow, In Memory of Doug Marshall
Jan Meyer & Anna Sparks Meyer, In Memory of Doug Marshall
Kate & Darren Russell, In Memory of Doug Marshall
Henry & Debbie Russell, In Memory of Doug Marshall
Larry & Irene Eddy, In Memory of Doug Marshall
The Helen Beck Family, In Memory of Doug Marshall
Glen & Cloe Lowe, In Memory of Doug Marshall
James Willis, In Memory of Doug Marshall
John New, In Memory of Doug Marshall
Larry J. Little, In Memory of Doug Marshall
Mr. & Mrs. Duane Buschow: In Memory of Doug Marshall
Jennifer Schultze: In Memory of Doug Marshall
Nick Dungey: In Memory of Doug Marshall
Brittany L Schultze: In Memory of Doug Marshall
Paula Schultze: In Memory of Doug Marshall
Frank McDonald: In Memory of Doug Marshall
Robert Menke: In Memory of Doug Marshall
Shirley Henwood: In Memory of Doug Marshall
Daryl Pint: In Memory of Doug Marshall
Sherron Perry: In Memory of Doug Marshall
Martha Montgomery: In Memory of Doug Marshall
Phil DeBoard: In Memory of Doug Marshall
Toby Davis: In Memory of Doug Marshall
Jon Hoffman: In Memory of Doug Marshall
Melinda Johnston: In Memory of Doug Marshall
Jennifer Hamilton: In Memory of Doug Marshall
Gloria Richer: In Memory of Doug Marshall
Ross: In Memory of Doug MarshallQueta
Rayanne Crane: In Memory of Doug Marshall
Ruben Pinto A.: In Memory of Doug Marshall
Inlet Drilling Alaska, INC: In Memory of Doug Marshall
ML Woodson: In Memory of Doug MarshallMrs Mr
Michael Jones(Metal Buildings): In Memory of Doug Marshall
Dennis Sparks: In Memory of Doug MarshallMrs Mr
Rebecca Lupo: In Memory of Doug Marshall
Doug and Nancy Schultz: In Memory of Doug Marshall
Pat Walsh: In Memory of Doug Marshall
Bob Matthews: In Memory of Doug Marshall
Paula Okonski: In Memory of Rex Allwood
Joe & Krys Clarke: In Memory of Rex Allwood
Barbara Lange: In Memory of Rex Allwood
In Memory of Rex AllwoodBuschawDuane
Louis & Rebecca Lupo: In Loving Memory of Rex Allwood
Ronald & Susan Harman: In Loving Memory of brother Rex Allwood
Jan Talbert: In Memory of Mike Talbert
Joe Huff: In Memory of James Patrick Huff
Jeff Orgill: In Memory of James Patrick Huff
Anonymous: In Memory of Adela Mulligan
William Crean: In Memory of Adela Mulligan
Grant & Ellyn Mogford: In Memory of Bill Murray
Jeff & Kim Hunter: In Memory of Bill Murray
Anita L. Hill: In Memory of Bill Murray
Christine M. Ofiesh: In Loving Memory of William “Bill” Murray
Steven Dorfman: In Memory of Bill Murray
Anonymous: In Memory of Flint English– A Generous Soul
Eric & Cindy Robinson: In Memory of Bill Murray
Maldague du Canada: In Memory of Bill Murray
Michael Mooney & Veronica Foley: In Memory of Bill Murray
Sharon Dowen: In Memory of Bill Murray
Mary Sean O’Reilly: In Memory of Bill Murray
Our Lady of the Snows School: In Memory of Bill Murray
Thomas and Marjorie Gooley: In Memory of Bill Murray
Allan and Gretchen Brookes: In Memory of Bill Murray
James and Stephanie Raisch: In Memory of Bill Murray
Peter and Janice Wolniewicz: In Memory of Bill Murray
Patrick Patchin: In Memory of Bill Murray
Inge Jones: In Memory of Bill Murray
H.H. and Annette Collins: In Memory of Bill Murray
Bill and Louise Haas: In Memory of Bill Murray
William and Ruth Sharadin: In Memory of Bill Murray
Jay Johnson: In Celebration of Gretchen Huff Birthday
George and Janet Wolodkin: In Memory of Bill Murray
Robert and Alice Roney: In Memory of Bill Murray
Tom and Donna Carvey: In Memory of Bill Murray
Kathy McFerrin: In Memory of Bill Murray
Anonymous: In Memory of Russ Chase
renimanAnonymous: In Memory of Bruce B
William Crean: In Memory of Mary Mulligan McElroy
George Frank: In Memory of David Poulson
Tom and Bobbi Traeger: In Memory of Tom Schaffner
Joe and Peggy Moore: In Memory of William B. (Bill) Murray
Gary and Patti Janco: In Memory of Adela Mulligan
Anonymous: In Memory of Adela Mulligan
Susan Schauf: In Memory of Roger Maker
Roger Zoebisch: In Memory of Charles Nilosek
Edward & Dr Linda Gorman: In Memory of Charlie Nilosek